Throughout this class, I have had a few major take-aways. The first of these is just being aware of the ISTE standards. When our district went one to one, I did not pay much attention to what exactly we were hoping to accomplish with this move. To me, the addition of technology in the classroom was really to make everyone’s lives easier and more interactive. Through experience tied in with the knowledge gleaned from this class, I have become much more aware of what it is we want students to know and be able to do because of the implementation of technology. By directing my attention to the ISTE standards, I now have a reference to use when creating assignments for my students. I can use this information, tied in with curriculum, to help best inform my instruction. Another take-away I had from this course was being much more aware of copyright laws and fair use rights for education. I’ll be honest, in the past, I have not paid much attention to copyright information. I frequently put...